Title 1
Did You Know?Parents have the right to request information on the professional qualifications of their child's teachers.
Parent and Family Engagement Policy 22-23
The Cheyenne High School Community believes strongly in partnership between school and parents to help all students reach their potential. This Parent and Family Engagement Policy was developed to promote parent involvement in the academic development of students through participation in school programs and parent partnerships. This policy has been jointly developed and agreed upon by the administration, faculty, staff, and parents of Cheyenne High School.
Parents' Right to Know 22-23 (Staff Qualifications) - English
Parents_Right_to_Know_22-23_Staff_Qualifications_English.pdf 227.25 KB (Last Modified on December 5, 2022) -
Parents' Right to Know 22-23 (Staff Qualifications) - Spanish
Parents_Right_to_Know_22-23_Staff_Qualifications_Spanish.pdf 229.33 KB (Last Modified on December 5, 2022) -
FY23 Annual Parent Meeting PowerPoint
The purpose of this PowerPoint is to inform parents about Title 1, and how Title 1 funds are being used to enhance the student's education in school.
Parent Notification Letter (Spanish)
El propósito de esta carta es notificarle que el Departamento de Educación de Nevada (NDE) ha identificado la escuela de su hijo/a como una escuela de Apoyo y Mejoramiento Dirigido (TSI) basándose en información del año escolar 2018-2019. Se pretendía que las escuelas TSI permanecieran en un grupo durante tres años a partir del año posterior a su designación. Sin embargo, debido a la falta de disponibilidad de información durante la pandemia de COVID-19, las escuelas de Nevada previamente designadas no fueron evaluadas para su exclusión y se les ha exigido que notifiquen a su comunidad el estatus de su designación como una escuela TSI.
Parent Notification Letter (EN)
The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Nevada Department of Education (NDE) identified your child’s school as a Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) school based on data from the 2018-2019 school year. TSI schools were intended to remain a part of a cohort for three years beginning the year after their designation. However, because of the unavailability of data during the COVID-19 pandemic, previously designated Nevada Schools were not evaluated for exit and are required to notify their community of their TSI designation status.